Important Documents
School Handbook
Please view our current school handbook here. Inside you will find many details relating to attending Lasswade Primary School, including our uniform policy and pupil behaviour expectations.
School Improvement Plans
Learn more about how we aim to continue developing the quality of our offering to children and their families in the documents below.
Severe Weather
To find out what happens when severe weather affects ability of the school to be open safely, please review the documents below.
Inspection Reports
Please find copies of our most recent school inspection below.
You can also view them on the Education Scotland website by clicking here.
School Meal Menus
You can discover what kind of food is served from our fab school canteen by checking out the menus.
Safer Streets Policy
As part of keeping our pupils safe as they travel to and from Lasswade Primary School, several streets around our building are closed at the start and end of the school day. Find out more in our Safer Streets Policy.